I was reading an article this week in the July/August edition of Fast Company magazine, the topic of which was Matt Damon’s foundation Water.org, and the subsequent conversations that reveal much of the good that Damon does. Within the text Gary White, his partner in the foundation and expert on water delivery for developing nations, was also interviewed.
Both men were shown as being passionate for their cause, as well as having character that at once both shames and offers hope for the reader; the former for a lack of personal action, the latter for realizing there is much that can be contributed, whatever the cause. What really struck me was the level of involved compassion these men had for the very cause they were championing. That they could engage people that others might see as statistics with a smile and a rational way forward is magnanimous, fostering a greater sense of community for those they were helping along the way. But they also sympathized with those who they were helping on a level that should act as an example for humanity.
They aimed to help people who were racially, culturally and socially different from them with an understanding that, in the end, there was more common between them than there was alien. I think that’s lacking in society and is evident for one simplistic reason: tragedies continue with nothing done. It’s not a difficult thing to see once you remove yourself from whatever has distracted you; be it the playoffs (pick a sport), Big Brother, partying, the gravitational pull of your own life, family obligations, relationships or whatever else. There’s a whole world of people who need help. Hell, that can be reduced even further to say there’s a whole country, province, city, area within a city or family that needs help.
That segments of our society in Canada, or our neighbours in the global community, might be left out is one of the greatest tragedies of humanity. That disease, poverty, starvation and death by thirst is looked at but not touched is a shame. That rape, military attacks and shelling of civilians, murder and human-trafficking is denounced in the media with little more than a firm wag of the finger and lip-service from world leaders is embarrassing. To be sure not everything is perfect, and some of the issues just mentioned possess a great deal of complex obstacles that need to be negotiated.
In the end, what I took from the article was a fresh perspective on the human condition, the possibilities for helping others as well as the essential need to do so. The concept that resonated within me the most was a quote that was mentioned:
“Your life should be about finding the intersection of the world’s greatest need and your greatest passion.” Beautiful.
It’s not that a lack of such perspective indicates an individual carries any less compassion for others, but I think with the distractions life can throw at us, we tend to forget and ignore the plight of others. We’ve misplaced our sense of humanity, and it seems that it’s only those who are truly engulfed in tragedy and forced humility that are able to identify anything beyond the vanilla-life. Doubt this? Find some images of any one of the millions affected by drought and famine in East Africa, the wear on their souls is visible in their face.
While I’m a big believer in the virtues of altruism, I also understand the reality that not everyone shares that ideology. But we should find a greater balance in our lives for others, whether their need is at the local, national or global level. We must.