Quote of the Moment

"Those who desire to treat politics and morals apart from one another will never understand either." - Rosseau

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Quick Hello

Hello and welcome to my first blog. I'm excited to get started and express my thoughts on a variety of different issues and topics. It is the very idea of an intellectual commonwealth that has moulded humanity throughout history. Ideas have transcended borders, languages, political affiliations and sympathies, religion and have done so across the ages. Arguments that the likes of Socrates or Marcus Aurelius made thousands of years ago are no less relevant today, with new generations challenging their assertions and compounding their thoughts through them.

So I hope you enjoy the ride. I'll let you know straight-away that there is no plan for this blog; there will be no set dates, or agenda of topics/interests. I understand that many of you may be critical of what I write, which I hope you are as doing so will force me to re-evaluate my views and ideas. Please do be gentle though as I do write with a touch of hopeful ignorance to the more blunt realities of the world that surrounds us. And if you're wondering where my inspiration for beginning this little expressive adventure began, I'm sure you'll discover that as you read along.

Thank you kindly,

Mark Anderton

1 comment:

  1. I think you should blog about "anonymous" adventures of friends or people, that may or may not have occurred, that passed through your curious ears.
