Quote of the Moment

"Those who desire to treat politics and morals apart from one another will never understand either." - Rosseau

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Goodwill Hunting?

Earlier this week, I awoke to my customary tradition of a bowl of oatmeal, a pint of water, and the daily paper spread over the kitchen table for a nice little read. It’s a ritual that I’ve faithfully followed for years, starting the day with healthy dose of nutrition and information. It was a little different on Wednesday though, as the headline of the Waterloo Region Record read “Johnston heading to Mideast.” While reading the article, I found myself increasingly frustrated with the ignorance that seems to be a major qualification for public office.
It was announced on Tuesday that Governor General David Johnston will be sent at the behest of PM Harper to the Middle East for the purpose of a “goodwill mission,” stopping in Kuwait and Qatar. The purpose of the mission is to strengthen relationships, with the PMO stressing it will “reiterate Canada’s long-standing commitment to protecting peace and security in the region.” Hardly intelligent dialogue considering that the nations we are visiting will be using the Canada trip as an endorsement of their brand of governance and policy.   
Both Kuwait and Qatar in recent days have cracked-down on demonstrations, refusing public assembly. No political parties exist in either country, as they are both emirates (not the airline or the stadium you Arsenal fans, but the type of monarchy), who have widespread power controlled by a very small few. In the wake of recent developments across the Middle East that has witnessed a genuine desire for change, Canada would appear to be throwing their hat in with the status quo.
In a region where we have snubbed common decency and human rights concerns, as well as having supported Israel with a carte blanche over their actions in Palestine and elsewhere, Canada continues to ignore logic. The momentum of history will not yield to ideas that are past their time, and this is especially true of people who desire a change of governance. So we must ask ourselves, are we strategizing for Canada’s future interests, or our current ones? Surely it is the latter, while the long-term approach to the region is neglected. And there is no shame is using the word strategizing, since we need to approach global events with Canada’s best interests in mind. However our strategy and policy should be as intimate as possible with our values and ideals, not in the sense that we project a superiority on others, but that we project an alternative example or vision.
In reality, the people of the Middle East would likely look with far more favour and optimism on a nation that presented itself with such vision. A Western nation that was bold, decisive and emphatic about their support for democratic, economic and educational change, rather than one that was timid, failed to grasp the issues at hand or the genuine will of the people and, had little in the way of forward thinking.
This is the exact moment where Canada needs to demonstrate our commitment to ideals in actions, not words upon which little is done. I feel that at the end of the trip a scruffy and sentimental Robin Williams should be waiting for Gov-Gen. Johnston at the airport. Amidst a sea of people and without notice of them, he would embrace the GG with his burly arms wrapped in the scratchy wool of his windowpane-patterned  cardigan, holding him close in an almost paternal embrace and say “it’s not your fault David, it’s not your fault" (please picture that with a smile as you watch the video, and yes Good Will Hunting is high on my favourites list).

Think of it in this way: the Middle East movement is for Canada like going to see the movies; we’ve already missed the previews, we’re definitely not going to get the best seat, but do we want to miss the first bit of the movie – or worse miss it entirely? I should think it time to step up to the  counter get out ticket and walk in with real purpose. Alas, I feel as though we’re about to miss the movie friends, save your money and don’t bother to buy the popcorn.  

Feel like a change of pace from the heavy topics? Try some easy lifting with www.thehealthyteacher.com .

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